Wang Fan
China Forum expert President and Deputy Secretary, CPC Committee of China Foreign Affairs University

Dr. WANG Fan is President and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU) and Chancellor of China Diplomatic Academy(CDA). He is Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor of CFAU.

Dr. Wang Fan completed his Ph.D. in international relations at China Foreign Affairs University. His main research interests lie in security and strategic studies, with a particular focU.S on Sino-American relations and China’s diplomatic strategy. His recent books are United States’ East Asian Policy (2016) and China’s Diplomacy (2016). He has published more than 50 research papers in top Chinese academic journals such as World Economics and Politics and Foreign Affairs Review.

Dr. Wang convenes the undergraduate courses History of Post-WWII International Relations, Western International Relations Theory as well as the graduate course Introduction to International Security. He also teaches on the postgraduate course Strategy of Great Powers. He won “the Best University Teachers Award” by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education in 2009. He enjoys the Special Government Allowances of the State Council.