LIU Taoxiong
Academic Committee Member, CISS, Tsinghua University,Secretary of the Party Committee and Professor of School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University

LIU Taoxiong is a professor of Economics in the School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University, China. He is the executive dean of the institute of Innovation & Development. 

Prof. Liu received a B.S and Ph. D. both from Tsinghua University. His research field includes macroeconomics,economics growth,industrial economics and big data. He is the author of five books and has published numerous articles in both Chinese and English, including in many leading Journals. As the PI, he is running several projects, including an Annual Major Project of The National Social Science Fund of China.

Prof. Liu has ever worked in Tohoku University in Japan and Harvard University in U.S.A. as a visiting professor. He has been awarded many prizes, such as Contribution to Information Economics (Chinese Association for information Economics, 2016). He has also served as policy advisor for several cities in China.