


图片来源:White House

1、Overtone 寓意、意味、弦外之音

For those who study the history of the cold war, Washington’s new initiative with London and Canberra – known by its acronym “Aukus” – has overtones of the name UKUSA, an intelligence-sharing agreement signed 75 years ago now more commonly known as the Five Eyes partnership.


(英文摘自2021.09.16 The Guardian网站)



2、Nuclear propulsion 核动力推进

As naval exercises over the years have shown, conventional submarines can be deadly predators, fully capable of sneaking up on a carrier battle group and placing its flagship squarely in their cross hairs.Nuclear propulsion gives submarines effectively unlimited range and the ability to operate underwater without ever coming to the surface to recharge batteries – providing significant tactical and strategic advantages, especially for an island country with huge expanses of ocean on all sides like Australia. 


(英文摘自2021.09.17 The Diplomat网站)



3、Bravado 冒险、虚张声势

If Australia acts with bravado to show its allegiance to the US and takes the most prominent position in the US' anti-China strategy, especially by being militarily assertive, then Canberra will most likely become a target of Beijing's countermeasures so as to send a warning to others.


(英文摘自2021.09.16 Global Times网站)



4、Stab in the back 背后捅刀

France is not holding back showing its disappointment with Australia after it abruptly ended a submarine contract in order to sign a new deal with the U.S. and U.K.“It was a stab in the back. We had established a relationship of trust with Australia. This trust has been betrayed,” Jean-Yves Le Drian, France’s minister of foreign affairs, told radio station Franceinfo Thursday morning.

在澳大利亚突然废弃与法国的潜艇合同,转而与美英签署新的潜艇采购合同之后,法国显然没有控制住对澳大利亚的不满情绪。法国外交部长让-伊夫·勒德里安(Jean-Yves Le Drian)周四上午告诉法国广播电台,“这是一次背后捅刀。我们本已与澳大利亚建立了信任关系,而澳大利亚背叛了这种信任。”

(英文摘自2021.09.16 CNBC网站)



5、Torpedo    破坏、鱼雷

“Biden is not Trump, but in the eyes of many Europeans, ‘America first’ lives on. This is a further gust of wind in the sails of those in Europe who are arguing for more strategic autonomy,” Noah Barkin,senior visiting fellow at the German Marshall Fund in Berlin said. “[It] is a reminder that, alongside systemic competition with China, there is still an intense competition going on between like-minded advanced economies. It won’t torpedo transatlantic cooperation on China by any means. ”

“拜登不是特朗普,但在许多欧洲人眼中,‘美国优先’仍然存在。”柏林德国马歇尔基金的高级访问学者诺亚·巴金(Noah Barkin)表示,“这进一步增强了欧洲对更多战略自主权的需求。这提醒我们,在与中国进行系统性竞争的同时,有相似意图的发达经济体之间仍然存在激烈竞争。无论如何,这并不会破坏跨大西洋的对华合作。”

(英文摘自2021.09.16 South China Morning Post网站)

Nuclear propulsion allows for bigger, more flexible designs: a modern nuclear-powered attack submarine can simultaneously carry torpedoes, land-attack cruise missiles, special forces personnel, and even UAVs, allowing it to undertake numerous types of missions on demand without needing to return to base and reconfigure first.


(英文摘自2021.09.17 The Diplomat网站)


