

1、slip into 溜进、潜入

Two U.S. congressmen quietly slipped into Kabul airport on Tuesday, saying in an interview that they hoped to gather on-the-ground information to provide to their fellow elected officials about the chaotic evacuation effort in Afghanistan.


(英文摘自2021.8.25 WSJ网站)

The U.S. has repeatedly stressed the risk of continuing the airlift, due to threats of violence by the Islamic State group's Afghanistan affiliate. Germany's top military commander, Gen. Eberhard Zorn, said Tuesday the United States and Germany were particularly concerned about ISIS suicide bombers possibly slipping into crowds in Kabul.


(英文摘自2021.8.24 Newsy网站)


2、high profile 引人注目的

On Saturday, the Pentagon said two “high profile” ISIS targets had been killed and another injured in a US drone strike late Friday in Jalalabad, in Afghanistan’s eastern Nangarhar province, in a retaliatory strike for Thursday’s attack.

周六(8月28号),五角大楼表示,在前一天晚上,美国无人机在阿富汗东部楠格哈尔省的贾拉拉巴德进行了一次报复性袭击,杀死了两名 “引人注目”的ISIS成员,另伤了一人。

(英文摘自2021.8.30 CNN网站)

“Two high-profile ISIS targets were killed, and one was wounded. And we know of zero civilian casualties,” Maj Gen Hank Taylor, deputy director of the Joint Staff For Regional Operations, told reporters on Saturday.


(英文摘自2021.8.28 MSN网站)

3、not in a position 无法,不配

In a Monday briefing, Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said that Washington was “not in a position to dispute” reports that its drone strike against its ISIS-K target caused civilian casualties, and that the U.S. was investigating.


(英文摘自2021.8.30 NBC News网站)

“For this we finally also need new weapon systems such as armed drones,” said the CSU chairman. Europe stands “on the edge of world events” and is “not in a position to give guarantees of protection even for its own citizens in Kabul,” criticized Söder.

“为此,我们最终还需要新的武器系统,比如武装无人机,” 基社盟党主席索德尔(Markus Söder)批评说,欧洲“站在世界事件的边缘”,“甚至无法为其在喀布尔的本国公民提供保护保证”。

(英文摘自2021.8.29 Archyde网站)


4、fiasco 惨败

The US and NATO must learn from their mistakes. Nowhere have the military interventions of the past 30 years really improved the situation in the long term. The defense alliance should concentrate on its core task, which is the defense of its own territory. Then perhaps the fiasco in Afghanistan will not have been in vain.

美国和北约必须从错误中吸取教训。从长远来看,过去 30 年的军事干预并没有真正改善局势。防务联盟应该专注于自己的核心任务,即保卫自己的领土。那么也许阿富汗的惨败就不会白费。

(英文摘自2021.9.4 DW网站)

The world should not draw the wrong lessons from Afghanistan. This fiasco was far from inevitable. It would also compound the folly if the world’s developed democracies stopped supporting the quest for freedom and democracy in authoritarian states and war-torn countries.


(英文摘自2021.9.1 Foreign Affairs网站)

5、ultimate sacrifice “终极牺牲”,死亡的代价

In a statement issued on Saturday, President Biden called the Americans who lost their lives in the bombing “heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our highest American ideals and while saving the lives of others.”


(英文摘自2021.8.29 NPR网站)

The tragic 13 US troops killed in the Kabul airport attack have been identified with devastated relatives and friends saying they had “paid the ultimate sacrifice”.


(英文摘自2021.8.28 Mirror网站)



