




1. incremental diplomacy 渐进外交

Mr. Haass said that joint declarations often take on the characteristics of the host country. He called the statement - and the economic summit - an example of “incremental diplomacy” and not a forum where the conflict could be resolved.


(英文摘自2023.9.10 The New York Times 网站)

It is through this “incremental diplomacy” that we will find productive dialogue, sustained progress and (most desperately) solutions to the greatest challenge of our time.


(英文摘自2023.9.16 The ASPAN Institute 网站)

2. Watered-down 淡化,削弱

The joint declaration issued in Delhi uses more watered-down language compared with what was used in Bali last year to criticise Russia’s actions in Ukraine.


(英文摘自2023.09.12 BBC 网站)

The world’s dominant economies on Saturday struck a watered-down deal on how to smooth out trade and currency.


(英文摘自 2023.9.18 The Denver Post 网站)



3. Hammer out 敲定,达成共识

Twenty of the world’s most important leaders sat in a room over the weekend and hammered out a final statement they could all agree on that downplayed the largest land war in Europe in more than half a century. It was a startling sign of how global power and priorities are moving away from Europe to the world’s developing countries.


(英文摘自2023.09.11 The Washington Post 网站)

4. Phase-out 逐步淘汰

G20 nations account for about 80 percent of global emissions and an inability to agree on the phase-out is a cloud over a key round of climate discussions to begin in November in the oil-rich United Arab Emirates.


(英文摘自2023.9.10 Al Jazeera 网站)


Discussions among G20 nations were fraught, however, when it came to the phase-out of fossil fuels with several major emitters remaining committed to fossil fuel production. 


(英文摘自2023.9.11 Offshore Technology 网站)



5. Reinvigorate 重振

The declaration also reaffirms the need to address global challenges by reinvigorating multilateralism, reform and international cooperation, strengthening the voice of developing countries in global decision making, and advancing global digital economic development.


(英文摘自2023.9.11 CGTN 网站)

As an international forum representing the world’s major developed and emerging economies, the G20 needs to reinvigorate the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and promote North-South cooperation to achieve the agenda’s goals.


(英文摘自2023.9.9 Xinhua News 网站)

6. Economic jitters 经济紧张,经济恐慌

Modi is bringing together global leaders in New Delhi as enduring divisions over Russia’s war in Ukraine continue to deepen, taking charge of delivering discourse around some of the most pressing issues, including global economic jitters and a climate crisis that needs urgent action from the world’s wealthiest nations.


(英文摘自2023.09.09 CNN 网站)

辑:黎佳芸  苏怡静

审核:文晶  国佳


