



▲图片来源:Arab News

1. ironclad alliances铁杆同盟关系

Although the White House said the three leaders “will celebrate a new chapter in their trilateral relationship” at the summit and “reaffirm their strong bonds of friendship and the ironclad alliances” between the US, Japan and South Korea, it is possible the two allies may want to change their current policies and measures if they have to take on too many obligations and face greater risks yet have little benefits.


(英文摘自2023.08.02 Global Times 网站)

2. inextricably linked 密切相关,密不可分

But Yoon said this week the two are “now fundamental partners sharing universal values” with their “security inextricably linked” and they need to “stand together.” 


(英文摘自2023.08.17 ABC News 网站)


Rapp-Hooper said Yoon gave a “remarkable” speech on a day that traditionally has resurrected historical wounds. “Quite to the contrary, this National Liberation Day speech was replete with references to the fact that Korea and Japan were fundamental partners, that our security was inextricably linked, and that we had to stand together.”


(英文摘自2023.08.16 Financial Times 网站)

3. leader-level hotline首脑应急热线

The US, Japan and South Korea are to create a leader-level hotline and hold annual military exercises as part of a landmark trilateral agreement that will help Washington and its Asian allies boost deterrence against North Korea and China.


(英文摘自2023.08.16 Financial Times 网站)


The agreement is also expected to include investment in technology to create a leader-level hotline and new mechanisms to share intelligence.


(英文摘自2023.08.17 ABC News 网站)


▲图片来源:Financial Times

4. antagonism 对立情绪;对抗情绪;敌对;敌意

“China has noticed some exclusionary groupings being assembled for the so-called ‘regional security’ only to intensify antagonism and undermine the strategic security of other countries,” Liu Pengyu, a spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, said by email.


(英文摘自2023.08.17 NBC News 网站)


The United States, South Korea and Japan are expected to establish an enduring tripartite security regime in defense of the Indo-Pacific region — a move China opposes as antagonistic — at their first trilateral summit, said experts.


(英文摘自2023.08.16 VOA 网站)

5. detente  (国际紧张关系的)缓和,改善

Amid Japan-South Korea detente, summit presents chance to shore up trilateral alliance to counter China and North Korea.


(英文摘自2023.08.17 Al Jazeera English 网站)


Élysée Treaty is a landmark in Franco-German relations, but the treaty was hardly inaugurated in a honeymoon atmosphere. At the time, France and Germany were feeling considerable uncertainty about the reliability of the U.S. commitment to continental Europe, amid signs of a détente between the United States and the Soviet Union, as well as indications of the emergence of a special “nuclear alliance” between the U.S. and Britain.


(英文摘自2023.08.17 The Diplomat 网站)

6. coin of the realm 筹码;对自己有利的条件或情况

US ambassador to Tokyo Rahm Emanuel said the summit highlighted how the Biden administration viewed alliances as the coin of the realm.


(英文摘自2023.08.17 Financial Times 网站)


Rather than debate the merits of big economic or foreign policy issues, Congressmen see the at supposed cultural affronts. Manufactured outrage is their coin of the realm.


(英文摘自2023.08.15 Asia Times 网站)


Trust is the coin of the realm.


(英文摘自2022.09.29  澎湃 网站)

辑:程泽笠  蒋绍澄

核稿:文晶  许馨匀


