


图片来源:BBC 网站

1、dual carbon target “双碳”目标

China's "dual carbon" target will make it the most efficient country in the world in reduction of carbon emissions, an official mentioned on Wednesday, which marks the one-year anniversary of China's proposal to achieve carbon neutrality before 2060.


(英文摘自2016.09.23 Global Times网站)

These together account for 67.3 percent of green loans, indicating that with the work related to the dual carbon goals officially entering the fast track, green financial support for carbon emission reduction has taken a massive leap forward.


(英文摘自2016.09.24 China Daily网站)


▲图片来源:界面新闻 网站

2、phase out 逐渐淘汰,逐渐停止使用

He will also ask for promises on phasing out coal, the move to electric vehicles, an end to deforestation, and finance – pledges of money to help developing nations deal with the climate emergency.


(英文摘自2021.10.31 BBC 网站)

UN Secretary António Guterres said in April that the wealthiest countries should phase out coal by 2030. Everyone else, by 2040.

联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(António Guterres)在4月份表示,富裕国家应在2030年前逐步淘汰煤炭使用。对于其他国家,期限将为2040年。

(英文摘自2021.11.01 Grist 网站)

3、anthropogenic 由人类活动引起的

In 1992, when the CO2 level had reached 356ppm and evidence of anthropogenic warming was, if not overwhelming, definitely discernible, the leaders of the world agreed to do something about the potentially catastrophic course they had more or less unwittingly embarked on.


(英文摘自2021.10.30 The Economist 网站)

Russia as a country is making enormous efforts and will continue to do so systematically to reduce the anthropogenic burden on the climate, but this is a process that requires adequate measures on the part of all states.


(英文摘自2021.11.01 Reuters 网站)


图片来源:SCMP 网站

4、top-down 自上而下的, bottom-up 自下而上的

And while the top-down approach has been abandoned in favor of individual national commitments, the summit can still serve as a moment of influence over skeptical countries, despite ever present domestic concerns. 


(英文摘自2021.10.27 Foreign Policy 网站)

This bottom-up approach means governments decide how fast to decarbonize their economies. But the plans submitted so far will lead to a lot more than 1.5C of warming by the end of the century – 2.4C if implemented in full, according to analysis published by Climate Action Tracker in May.

这种自下而上的方法意味着政府将决定国家经济脱碳的速度。但气候行动追踪公司(Climate Action Tracker)5月份发布的分析显示,到本世纪末,迄今提交的气候计划下会产生的升温将远超1.5摄氏度的预期,如果全面实施,这将导致2.4摄氏度的气温上升。

(英文摘自2021.09.06 Climate Home News 网站)


图片来源:CGTN 网站

5、Tan Pu Hui 碳普惠

To help encourage lower carbon consumption the Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission developed the concept of the Tan Pu Hui system in 2015. This is a mechanism for incentivizing and rewarding lower carbon behavior and purchases, and developing a marketplace for low carbon goods and services for use by households.


(英文摘自2016.08.17 Carbon Trust 网站)

6、pin the responsibility on 把责任归咎于

Developed countries with a couple of hundred years of industrialization behind them and historical environmental debts should make bigger contributions to tackling pollution and protecting the environment, instead of pinning the responsibility on China and other developing countries.


(英文摘自2021.10.27 The Guardian 网站)


图片来源:UK GBC 网站



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